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Simple 5 Step Guide To Dating For Single Women Entrepreneurs


Simple 5 Step Guide To Dating For Single Women Entrepreneurs

Single women entrepreneurs sometimes realize too late that life is not just about working and growing their business. It’s important to have balance and to be mindful of the other goals you have in life such as having a family. Don’t let time pass you by to wake up one day knowing that your biological clock is no longer ticking. Remember that the purpose of having financial freedom is so that you can spend the time with loved ones to create the memories that count the most in the end!

You know what they say, ‘you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.’ As a Certified Matchmaker and Dating Coach, I know the same is true for single women who need a mind-shift in order to see a great match when he’s standing in front of her or conversely to recognize that he’s Mr. Wrong right away! This was the case with a recent client who is a medical doctor, solopreneur, always busy, constantly networking to grow her practice and growing more and more tired. She initially rejected the first date I referred, but with my coaching she was able to give this man a chance and with him and getting married for the first time in her life at the age of 60!
If you find that you’re a single women toiling your life away, addicted to being busy and making excuses of why you don’t have that special someone in your life, then I encourage you to consider implementing activities in your life that will get you to your goal of being balanced—a successful woman with a partner to share life’s pleasures with.

Where to begin? Here are 5-tips you can implement right away!

1. Online Dating – Forget what you hear about online dating, if you’ve done it and were not successful, then maybe its time to consider a certified professional matchmaker. Hey it can work, that is how I met my husband.

2. Go on Dates! Once you’ve properly implemented my online dating system, the men should be pouring in. If you don’t have time to respond to everyone, hire someone or ask a good friend to help you sort through the prospects. As a business woman you understand that the more appointments you get with potential clients the more you sell; Likewise, the more dates you go on the more likely it is for you to meet the one.

3. Date night! Pick one day of the week to go out on dates; perhaps a Wednesday or a Thursday night and put it in your calendar. If you don’t have a date lined-up during one week, then take yourself out anyway. Go to a nice restaurant and have dinner at the bar. Look around, make eye contact with anyone who is interesting that you want to connect with. Don’t be afraid to make small talk if someone sparks your interest.

4. Matchmaker Database! Register on a matchmaker’s free database. Some matchmaking services also hold periodic events and send out newsletters with great tips and client spotlights. You just might get a call to meet one of our clients if you’re a potential match.

5. Social Media! Update all of your social profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) and identify yourself as ‘’ Facebook and LinkedIn among others have a marital status field, make sure you put it out there. I’m sure this would come as no surprise that many relationships have sprung from social media including those now divorced high school sweethearts who find each other again.

These are just a few tips to implementing a routine that will get you one step closer to your goal of meeting ‘the one.’ However, none of this will work if you have the wrong mindset. If you’ve given up and you’re thinking, ‘all the good men are taken or they’re gay,’ ‘you’re single because you intimidate men’ or ‘you don’t trust yourself because you keep choosing the wrong partners’ and my favorite: ‘you don’t need a man’ then it’s time to implement other measures! Find a good Dating Coach who understands firsthand whatever situation you’re in.
Let’s face it, if you want something bad enough, you should put all your effort into succeeding. You use every resource that is at your disposal to achieve your ultimate goal.

So what are you waiting for?

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